CI.13 Compare and contrast American civil liberties and protections, as defined by the Bill of Rights, to those of other nations. C, G, H, P

What am I learning today?

How OUR Bill of Rights compare to other countries

Why am I learning this?

To understand how our rights differ from citizens of other countries

How will I know I learned this?

When you know the difference between our nation’s rights and other countries.

Countries Seen to Care About Human Rights

Human Rights by Country

World Report 2019


Explore More

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 6 – CI.05

CI.05 Explain how technology and globalization shape new methods of human interaction. C, G What am I learning today? How technology impacts our lives every day. Why am I learning

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 13 – CI12

CI.12 Describe the protections offered by the Bill of Rights and their changing interpretations within American society. C, H, P What am I learning today? Our Bill of Rights Why

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 9 – CI.08

CI.08 Analyze how causal factors (e.g., cultural differences, boundary disputes, imperialism, and religious conflicts) fostered past and current conflicts. C, G, H, P What am I learning today? How differences