CI.15 Compare and contrast current economic issues, such as wealth disparity, trade imbalances, developed and developing nations, and over-consumption. E, P

What am I learning today?

How economic issues impact you and the world.

Why am I learning this?

To understand how economic actions impact your life.

How will I know I learned this?

When you have an understanding of how economic events and actions impact your life.

1. Trends in income and wealth inequality

25 richest families in the world are worth more than $1 trillion

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CI.18 Compare and contrast world religions (e.g., Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism), and analyze how they complement or conflict with each other in the contemporary world.C, G, H

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 13 – CI12

CI.12 Describe the protections offered by the Bill of Rights and their changing interpretations within American society. C, H, P What am I learning today? Our Bill of Rights Why

Contemporary Issues – Civil Rights Movement

Bellwork/Group Work With your neighbor, identify your current knowledge of the Civil Rights Movement. Ask each other these questions: Who? When? Why? Where? How? Our Standard CI.09 Analyze the causes