GC.09 Define the concepts of democracy and republic, and examine the relationship between the two.

What am I learning today?

The definitions of democracy and republic and how they are related but different.

Why am I learning this?

Understanding the terms democracy and republic provides a better understanding of our government.

How will I know I learned this?

When you can explain how our nation is a republic and not a direct democracy.

What Is a Republic vs a Democracy?  Understanding the Difference


Democracy positives – represents people by the majority rules and gives every citizen an equal say through Direct and Indirect democracy

Democracy negatives – people are not always informed on issues, yet they still get to vote and gives too much power to too many people (unorganized) – Founders feared majority rule oppressing the minority.

Republic Positives – -individuals elect government representatives,
checks and balances system so that no one official becomes too powerful over one another.

Republic negatives – government officials do not have to rule with the majority in mind, represents the people without giving everyone a direct say, government could be filled with people of the upper classes.

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