CI.10 Describe the relationship and causal factors between historic events and contemporary issues (e.g., 2011 Japanese earthquake, Chernobyl, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Great Chicago Fire, world epidemics). C, H

What am I learning today?

History impacts contemporary events. We will learn how history has caused circumstances that have caused issues today.

Why am I learning this?

Knowing how natural and man-made disasters have had lasting effect on our world.

How will I know I learned this?

When you understand how events in the past shape our world today.

Japan Earthquake & Tsunami of 2011: Facts and Information

The true story you probably don’t know behind ‘Godzilla’ came from the devastation after Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings

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Contemporary Issues – Lesson 9 – CI.08

CI.08 Analyze how causal factors (e.g., cultural differences, boundary disputes, imperialism, and religious conflicts) fostered past and current conflicts. C, G, H, P What am I learning today? How differences


CI.15 Compare and contrast current economic issues, such as wealth disparity, trade imbalances, developed and developing nations, and over-consumption. E, P What am I learning today? How economic issues impact

Coronavirus – Flatten The Curve – A Resource for All

Do you wear contact lenses? You should switch to glasses to stop spreading the virus How coronavirus spreads so quickly and how you can slow it down CDC: COVID-19 can