CI.13 Compare and contrast American civil liberties and protections, as defined by the Bill of Rights, to those of other nations. C, G, H, P

What am I learning today?

How OUR Bill of Rights compare to other countries

Why am I learning this?

To understand how our rights differ from citizens of other countries

How will I know I learned this?

When you know the difference between our nation’s rights and other countries.

Countries Seen to Care About Human Rights

Human Rights by Country

World Report 2019


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Contemporary Issues Standards

Our Standards CI – Contemporary Issues – Students will use inquiry skills to learn about the issues that impact the contemporary world and engage in research and problem solving in

Contemporary Issues – Civil Rights Movement

Bellwork/Group Work With your neighbor, identify your current knowledge of the Civil Rights Movement. Ask each other these questions: Who? When? Why? Where? How? Our Standard CI.09 Analyze the causes

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 15 – CI14

CI.14 Examine factors that influence elections, such as political ideologies, media technologies, social media, societal movements, and other factors. C, H, P What am I learning today? Politics determines who