CI.02 Locate world regions, and explain how location affects events (e.g., climate, place, resources, globalization, urbanization, cultural diffusion). G, H

What am I learning today?

Our world’s various regions, their climate, location, cities and cultures.

Why am I learning this?

Understanding our world helps us understand ourselves. Knowledge of other places and people gives us more insight into ourselves.

How will I know I learned this?

When you can identity various locations around the globe by location, name, climate and cultures.







North America!

South America!



Project #1 – Due October 1

CIA World Factbook

Choose a country (Other Than The United States) and document five (5) things about that country and your reason for choosing it.

Explore More

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 9 – CI.08

CI.08 Analyze how causal factors (e.g., cultural differences, boundary disputes, imperialism, and religious conflicts) fostered past and current conflicts. C, G, H, P What am I learning today? How differences

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 8 – CI.07

History Overview: Students will explore contemporary and historical issues from a global perspective. Standard Number Content Standard Content Strand CI.07 Analyze the relationship between historical facts and historical interpretation. H,

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 12 – CI.11

CI.11 Analyze the lasting impact of history on contemporary issues (e.g., Treaty of Versailles, Cold War, ethnic cleansing, urbanization, human rights, immigration, modern medicine). C, H, P What am I