CI.03 Analyze how cultural characteristics (e.g., language, religion, ethnicity, gender roles) link, divide, and/or define regions. C, G

What am I learning today?

Our culture is our identity. We are going to research how our culture impacts who we are.

Why am I learning this?

Understanding how we are impacted by our culture will give us a better understanding of others.

How will I know I learned this?

When you can identity the various cultural characteristics and how they influence how we interact with each other.

7 Major Characteristics of Culture That are Essential for Life

What is Ethnicity?

Gender inequality?

Murfreesboro, Tennessee:

Where did English come from?

Three conflicts (Religion? Race? Ethnicity?)

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Do you wear contact lenses? You should switch to glasses to stop spreading the virus How coronavirus spreads so quickly and how you can slow it down CDC: COVID-19 can

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 15 – CI14

CI.14 Examine factors that influence elections, such as political ideologies, media technologies, social media, societal movements, and other factors. C, H, P What am I learning today? Politics determines who

Contemporary Issues Lesson 18 – CI.17

CI.17 Analyze the political implications of terrorism for American public policy. C, P What am I learning today? 9/11 Changed America – we are going to research how it changed