In college, we were given an assignment by a professor to write a one-page paper on our philosophy of teaching. I wrote one sentence:

Kids Can’t Pick Their Parents.

The professor asked me to explain, since I wrote only one sentence instead of an entire page. I told him that is my entire philosophy. Kids have no control over their original station in life. You can not be angry at a 12-year-old for being late to baseball practice because his parents can’t get him there on time. You can’t be mad a student in the classroom for not having paper or a pencil when her parents won’t go to store and buy them. EVERY student is A student. As Mr. Rogers would say “I was a kid once”.

I tell my students I am their teacher for the rest of their life. Need help with an Excel spreadsheet in college, email me. A history question and stuck looking for a primary source, ask me. Job Interview and need some tips or help researching the company, email me.

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