Our Standard Today

GC.11 Describe the census and its role in redistricting and reapportionment, including the role of Baker v. Carr. P, T

What am I learning today?

The US Census is taken every decade, and its data is used for a lot of purposes, including Congressional District.

Why am I learning this?

Knowing the impact of the Census will give you a better understanding of its importance.

How will I know I learned this?

When you are aware of how the US Census affects your life and local, state and national elections.

Bellwork – We are the State of Nebraska today

Let’s get started – let’s learn how we put lines around voters….

Today we are separating our class by districts and party

We have two political parties today, the Broccoli Party (Green) and the Popcorn Party (Yellow)

This room is the state of Nebraska, the only state in the Country with 3 US House Districts.

How do we draw those districts? What party represents each district?

Let’s see what happens….

Our Standard Today

GC.11 Describe the census and its role in redistricting and reapportionment, including the role of Baker v. Carr. P, T

What am I learning today?

The US Census is taken every decade and its data is used for a lot of purposes, including Congressional District.

Why am I learning this?

Knowing the impact of the Census will give you a better understanding of its importance.

How will I know I learned this?

When you are aware of how the US Census affects your life and local, state and national elections.


I told students years ago that Tennessee is growing so fast we will gain a congressional seat in 2020 – I was wrong.

Baker v Carr


Congressional Apportionment

2022 Midterms

Republicans have won the House, regaining control of the chamber for the first time since 2018.

Ohio? 2018?

Ohio Issue 1, Congressional Redistricting Procedures Amendment (May 2018)


Proposed Ohio constitutional amendment seeks to end gerrymandering after legislature defied courts


Alabama in the news:


Our Standard Today

GC.11 Describe the census and its role in redistricting and reapportionment, including the role of Baker v. Carr. P, T

What am I learning today?

The US Census is taken every decade and its data is used for a lot of purposes, including Congressional District.

Why am I learning this?

Knowing the impact of the Census will give you a better understanding of its importance.

How will I know I learned this?

When you are aware of how the US Census affects your life and local, state and national elections.


  1. What is Gerrymandering?  
  2. Is Gerrmandering a Good thing or a Bad thing?
  3. How do we address Gerrymandering? 

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