GC.19 Analyze Article III of the Constitution as it relates to judicial power, including the length of terms and the jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court. P

C.20 Explain the processes of selection and confirmation of Supreme Court justices. P

What am I learning today?

Our U.S. Supreme Court, its jurisdiction, makeup and powers

Why am I learning this?

To understand how our Supreme Court impacts our life

How will I know I learned this?

When you know how the Supreme Court operates and its powers

Article III

About the Supreme Court


Current Members

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US Government – Lesson 3 – GC03

Graphic Organizer for this lesson: GC.03 Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. H, P What am I learning today? Our nation’s First Constitution, and why it

Lesson 22 – GC24, GC25

GC.24 Explain the 2nd Amendment, and evaluate its various interpretations. P, T GC.25 Evaluate the Supreme Court’s interpretations of freedoms in the 4th through 8th Amendments, including: • Mapp v.

US Government – Lesson 10 – GC10

The Legislative Branch Overview: Students will analyze the functions of the legislative branch of the federal government. GC.10 Analyze Article I and the 17th Amendment of the Constitution as they