Our Standards

CI – Contemporary Issues – Students will use inquiry skills to learn about the issues that impact the contemporary world and engage in research and problem solving in order to better understand and assess significant current issues.

CI | CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Course Description: Students will use inquiry skills to examine the issues that impact the contemporary world. Students will analyze the historical, cultural, economic, and geographic factors that have elevated certain issues to levels of concern in the United States and around the globe. Students will engage in research and problem solving in order to better understand and assess significant current issues.

C—Culture, E—Economics, G—Geography, H—History, P—Politics/Government, T—Tennessee TCA—Tennessee Code Annotated: These standards are legally required to be taught.

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Contemporary Issues – Lesson 8 – CI.07

History Overview: Students will explore contemporary and historical issues from a global perspective. Standard Number Content Standard Content Strand CI.07 Analyze the relationship between historical facts and historical interpretation. H,

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 14 – CI.13

CI.13 Compare and contrast American civil liberties and protections, as defined by the Bill of Rights, to those of other nations. C, G, H, P What am I learning today?

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 15 – CI14

CI.14 Examine factors that influence elections, such as political ideologies, media technologies, social media, societal movements, and other factors. C, H, P What am I learning today? Politics determines who