Bellwork #1

On An Index Card Write Your Name, your favorite ice cream flavor, sports team (if you like sports), movie, food and type of music.

Our First Standard

Geography Overview: Students will see, understand, and appreciate the web of relationships between people, places, and environments using the knowledge, skills, and concepts within the five themes of geography.

CI.01 Explain the five themes of geography (i.e., location, place, human environment and interaction, movement, region). G

What am I learning today?

The five themes of geography

Why am I learning this?

What happens when your cell phone dies and you need to get where you are going? Understanding Geography is the key to understanding our world.

How will I know I learned this?

You will be able to explain the five themes of geography to someone else.


Interact with projections:…

Mercator tool:

Mike Bostock Map Transitions:

Mercator Puzzle:…


Human Environment and Interaction

Most Important Invention in History?

Most Important Invention in History?

What invention RUINED America?

In MY opinion – it was the invention of the …… Click Here to get my answer

Burning Rivers in the 1960s





Discussion and Exit Ticket Time

What are the pros and cons of Immigration?

Describe the Push and Pull Factors Driving Migration to the United States

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Contemporary Issues – Lesson 12 – CI.11

CI.11 Analyze the lasting impact of history on contemporary issues (e.g., Treaty of Versailles, Cold War, ethnic cleansing, urbanization, human rights, immigration, modern medicine). C, H, P What am I