Citizen Participation Overview: Students will examine the responsibilities and opportunities of a citizen of the U.S. Standard Number Content Standard Content Strand

GC.31 Describe what should be reasonably expected from any citizen or resident of the U.S., and explain why it is important for the well-being of the nation, including: • Being informed on civic issues • Serving in the military or alternative • Obeying the law service • Paying taxes • Volunteering and performing public • Respecting the rights of others service • Serving as a juror • Voting C, P, T

What am I learning today?

YOUR Responsibilities as a US Citizen

Why am I learning this?

YOU need to know what your part of being a responsible US Citizen entails

How will I know I learned this?

When you know what YOUR part is on making our nation a great place to live

Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens

Join the Military

Complete List of Army Enlisted MOS

Work for the World

Public Service and Volunteer Opportunities

The Right to Vote has been a struggle for some

The State of Louisiana Literacy Test

Shelby County v Holder

2018 Midterms – Long Lines

Southern U.S. states have closed 1,200 polling places in recent years: rights group

2020 Long Lines

People died for the right to vote


Voting – Time to Vote

Go to and use the code 11 24 63 1

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US Government – Lesson 18 – GC18

GC.18 Explain the Electoral College system, and compare and contrast arguments for and against it. G, H, P What am I learning today? How our Electoral College operates Why am

US Government Standards

Our Standards GC | UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND CIVICS Course Description: Students will study the purposes, principles, and practices of American government as established by the United States Constitution. Students