Employment History and Accomplishments

David Limbaugh’s Resume

Riverdale High School, Murfreesboro, Tennessee (2013-present)

African American History, Honors and AP U.S. Government, World History, U.S. History and Contemporary Issues Teacher

Middle Tennessee State University (2011-2013)

Student, History Major, Political Science and Education Minors. Graduated Summa Cum Laude.

Lellyett & Rogers, Nashville, Tennessee (1992-2010)

Developed and installed Facility Management software at Customers’ sites.

Created client-specific billing mechanisms to aid clients in recapturing their printing costs.

Coordinated printing projects for clients and order processing for contractors.

Research and development of new printing hardware and software offerings.

Processed clients’ monthly billing reports.

Traveled to Customer Locations to trouble-shoot problems and install corrections.

Byers Engineering, Atlanta, Georgia  (1990-1992)

Helped Develop Byers’ Cadnet Plotting System.

Certified new releases.

Customer Support.

Helped clients with their development needs for their design standards.

Traveled to Customer Locations to trouble-shoot problems and install corrections.

Intergraph, Huntsville, Alabama (1980-1989)

History of Intergraph

Alabama company Intergraph celebrates 50 years as a tech leader


First Customer-Engineer for Intergraph Europe (1982-1984)

Traveled to Customer Locations to trouble-shoot problems and installed corrections.

Customer Training and Software Support for Europe.

Factory acceptance testing and installations at customer sites.

Manager of Intergraph’s Critical Response Group (1985-1989)

Hired and managed two other employees.

Users’ Special Interest Group representative of Intergraph for core graphics package.

Responsible for tracking problems and solutions of Intergraph’s major and high profile customers,  including benchmark testing and factory acceptance testing of new installations.

Traveled to Customer Locations to trouble-shoot problems and install corrections.

Education, Awards and Organizations

Bachelor of Arts, Middle Tennessee State University, Summa Cum Laude, History Major with Political Science and Education minors. Dean’s List at Middle Tennessee State University for Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Spring 2012 and Fall 2012. 

Received the Edward L. and Aileen O. Jennings Scholarship in History as top student in History Department for the year.

Member of International Reprographic Association (IRgA) Hall of Fame and Rutherford County Baseball Organization Hall of Fame

2017-2018 Riverdale High School Outstanding Service Award.  2014 Riverdale High School Teacher of the Nine Weeks.

2008 Tennessee Baseball Coaches Association Distinguished Service Award. 

TSSAA Distinguished Service Recognition

Riverdale Social Studies Teacher & Sports Information Director David Limbaugh

WGNS Good Neighbor of the Day for Monday, May 17th, 2021

David Limbaugh is today’s Good Neighbor of the Day for his awesome work as sports information director at Riverdale High. David Limbaugh will receive flowers from Rion Flowers Coffee and Gifts (117 S. Academy Street) and News Radio WGNS. 

I helped the March of Dimes with a Coed-Softball fundraising tournament

Member of Mensa.


What will YOUR resume look like years from now?


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“If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride — and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high — but so are the rewards”

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