CI.11 Analyze the lasting impact of history on contemporary issues (e.g., Treaty of Versailles, Cold War, ethnic cleansing, urbanization, human rights, immigration, modern medicine). C, H, P

What am I learning today?

How history has impacted our life today

Why am I learning this?

Events in the past have shaped the world and our country today. We need to know the how and why.

How will I know I learned this?

When you understand how past events shape the world around you today

Ethnic Cleansing

What’s the difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing?


The Rose Diagram


Explore More

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 2 – CI.02

CI.02 Locate world regions, and explain how location affects events (e.g., climate, place, resources, globalization, urbanization, cultural diffusion). G, H What am I learning today? Our world’s various regions, their

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 9 – CI.08

CI.08 Analyze how causal factors (e.g., cultural differences, boundary disputes, imperialism, and religious conflicts) fostered past and current conflicts. C, G, H, P What am I learning today? How differences

Contemporary Issues – Lesson 17 – CI16

CI.16 Discuss the evolving role of the U.S. in international affairs. P What am I learning today? America’s Involvement in the world’s affairs Why am I learning this? Have an